Coverage map

The Coverage Map (shown below) shares information available to the county council on current and future provision of superfast broadband across Oxfordshire. 

Information comes from a number of sources and provides an indicative picture of coverage for premises in the county. The map can be used to provide an estimate of existing speeds available to premises and details of any planned upgrades in the near future.

Individual addresses are displayed as single dots on the map, with a colour system:

  • Green dots –  have superfast available (Speeds of >24 Mbps)
  • Yellow dots – are in plan for delivery in current intervention plan
  • Red dots – final 2% – these are premises which do not currently receive superfast (>24Mbps) and are not in current intervention plans or commercial supplier plans.

There is a postcode search facility and a pop-up box feature to display more details for individual properties, by clicking on coloured dot for the address. The pop-up box will display details of the best known speeds available and the means of delivery for the upgrades e.g. . Delivered by the BiRO Project – funded by EAFRD.

If you wish to report errors with the map or require another format of this map for accessibility reasons, please contact the Digital Infrastructure Team.

UPRN – Unique Premises Reference Number. Every premises has a unique reference number allocated in the AddressBase Premium dataset supplied by Ordnance Survey, under license.

Classification – R = Residential, NR = Non-residential. This classification comes from the Address Base Premium dataset supplied by Ordnance Survey, under license.

In this section
