Digital Infrastructure Strategy

This area includes some of the key supporting documents for the programme and details of the latest ‘Project Gigabit’ strategy being used by DCMS for the next phase of digital infrastructure funding.

  • Digital Infrastructure Strategy – this sets out how the programme will continue to improve both fixed and mobile digital connectivity in collaboration with partners, suppliers, and central government.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) – This Agreement binds our Digital Infrastructure Partnership together. The aim of this Partnership is to advance the rollout of digital infrastructure by way of facilitating commercial operators to access public sector assets, ease the process of wayleave and planning applications, and help with all delivery aspects such as accessing highways for laying new fibre.

Local Plans

Local Plans are statutory documents that are issued by local authorities which have a planning function. In Oxfordshire, this is the city council and four district councils. Among other guidance, Local Plans include provisions and considerations relating to digital infrastructure. If you are interested in the Local Plans of the District Councils in Oxfordshire, please visit the following links:

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